

Ai - harmony, union

Ai hanmi - equal or mutual stance; partners stand facing one another with the same foot forward.

Atemi - strike to distract or unbalance uke so a technique can be effectively applied.


Bokken - wooden sword used in practice

Budo - martial way


chudan - middle position


Deshi - student, pupil, disciple

Dojo - training hall

Dori - Grab

Domo arigato gozaimashita - thank you very much


Eridori - collar or lapel grab


Fukushidoin - assistant instructors rank, usually 2nd or 3rd dan


Gedan - low position

Gi - training uniform

Gyaku hanmi - opposite stance; partners stand with the opposite foot forward (like a mirror image)


Hanmi - triangular stance with either left or right foot forward

Hanmi handachi - attack where tori is kneeling and uke approaches from a standing position

Hidari - left (direction)


Ikkyo - first technique

Irimi - to enter

Iriminage - throwing technique using an entering motion


Jyo - wooden staff

Jodan - high position


Kaiten - to revolve or rotate

Kamae - Posture

Kamiza - altar, seat of gods

Kata - pre-arranged exercise

Katatedori - one hand grab to wrist

Keiko - practice, training

Kokyu - breath; ki and the motions of the body unified by control of the breath

Kokyunage - breath throw

Kotegaeshi - wrist turn out throw; wrist turning technique


Maai - distance between uke and nage, meaning harmony of space

Menuchi - strike to the head

Migi - Right (direction)

Mokuso - meditate

Morotedori - attack grabbing one wrist/forearm with both hands

Munedori - lapel grab

Musubi - blending


Nikkyo - second technique


O Sensei - great teacher, founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba 1883-1969

Omote - moving in front/forward

Onegai shimasu - polite way to make a request


Rei - bow, salutation

Ryote - both hands


Sankyo - third technique

Seiza - formal kneeling position with back straight

Sensei - teacher, the person who has walked ahead on this path

Shihonage - four directions throw

Shikko - technique of walking on the knees

Shomenuchi - strike to forehead

Soto - outside

Suburi - single movement using the ken or jyo; done as a solo practice

Suwariwaza - sitting techniques


Tachiwaza - techniques done with both uke and tori standing

Taijutsu - techniques done without weapons

Tai-no-henko - basic blending practice, tenkan exercise

Taisabaki - body movements.

Tenkan - turning movement

Tori - person who is attacked and performs the technique

Tsuba - sword handguard

Tsuka - sword handle

Tsuki - thrust, punch


Uchi - inside, also means to strike

Uke - person who gives the attack and receives the technique

Ukemi - the art of receiving the technique/falling

Ura - moving behind

Ushiro - back, behind, rear


Waza - Techniques


Zanshin - unbroken awareness and concentration

Zazen - sitting meditation

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